Young Entrepreneur Parvinder Kumar Chief Jury Member of

Parvinder Kumar is the CEO of UA Creative Line Plus Company.

New Delhi- organized a conclave on the topic Transforming India through Cooperatives in the auditorium of India International Centre, New Delhi. In this event those who have done exceptional work in their respective fields were honored. In this episode young entrepreneur Parvinder Kumar honored Management Guru Utppal Mitra.

Young entrepreneur Parvinder Kumar also discussed the work done by Utppal Mitra in the last thirty years. Which was specially discussed in the conclave. CEO, Sanjaypati Tiwari  while discussing the works of Utppal Mitra while congratulating Parvinder Kumar said that UA Creative Line Plus Company has been started by you whose works have been discussed across the country.

While UA Creative Line Plus company is discussed in the country your experiment in increasing digital marketing and branding has also been appreciated. Your art design is discussed in the country as well as abroad. Your company is growing rapidly globally. That's why has named you as an important member of the jury team.

It is worth mentioning that Parvinder Kumar who chose self-employed and started his company UA Creative Line Plus Company. Companies are benefiting immensely from whose advice. The companies have also gained a lot of popularity due to the service provided by you.

Parvinder Kumar said that has kept him in the lead role as Speaker. Parvinder Kumar said that the company started by him has been appreciated by the people while the public has benefited a lot from the company. It is for this reason that the main jury has been kept. Many thanks to for giving this special responsibility. On this special occasion the general public has been called to promote indigenous products. The need to understand the importance of start-ups and indigenous products should be emphasized.

It is worth mentioning that SPT had organized a conclave on India Transforming Through Co-operative in which people from different sectors from across the country participated.


  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar
    Dr. Rajesh Kumar

    The Reporter specializes in covering a news beat, produces daily news for Aaple Rajya News

    Dr. Rajesh Kumar

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